A 10's laraleigh23 Member

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I am a 28 years old gay single man living in California City, California

another superstar is here

I can�t tell something about myself, but if u really want to know me, then? Maybe I could define or express myself in the form or in a way of poem. So, I was just inviting everybody to read my poem expressing who am I? I was raised in a wonderful family Never demeaned, abused or torn down I was taught that I was capable, special, destined for great things I think those daily affirmations really helped shape me. I�m not really that talented There are some things I do well But I�m not a genius or anything However, I never doubted myself I have never questioned Whether I could accomplish anything Whether I was capable of anything That is perhaps GOD and my parents� greatest gift to me They gave me a belief in myself that is unwavering (emotional bank account) They gave me a sense of worth and potential independent of my circumstances That no matter what happened to me I could still choose my life. hahaha.... they say that i'm a boy magnant! and kind...

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